ChatGPT Example

Prompt: write a 1000-word blog post on ChatGPT and if it’ll replace copywriters


ChatGPT is an advanced artificial intelligence language model developed by OpenAI. It is capable of generating human-like responses to text-based inputs.

ChatGPT’s strengths lie in its ability to understand and respond to natural language inputs, generate text in a variety of formats (such as summaries, lists, and paragraphs), and provide answers to questions. Additionally, its ability to generate responses quickly and accurately can save time compared to manual text generation.

However, ChatGPT and similar models also have limitations. They lack the creativity and emotional intelligence of humans, and can sometimes generate nonsensical or irrelevant responses. Additionally, they may struggle with understanding context and sarcasm, which can lead to mistakes.

As for the question of whether ChatGPT and similar models will replace copywriters, it is unlikely. While these models are useful for generating text quickly and accurately, they cannot replace the creative and emotional intelligence that humans bring to the table. Additionally, copywriters bring a level of expertise in a particular field or industry that these models may not have.

In conclusion, ChatGPT is a powerful language model with its strengths in natural language processing and text generation, but it also has limitations in terms of creativity and emotional intelligence. While it may augment the work of copywriters, it is unlikely to fully replace them in the near future.

My Take: 221 words is hardly the 1,000 words I asked for, and in such a short post it’s not surprising that the AI only skimmed the surface of the topic. I thought I’d try asking a series of questions instead, to try to draw out more of the AI’s “thoughts” on the matter.


Prompt: Write a paragraph about what chatgpt is

Response: ChatGPT is an advanced language model developed by OpenAI that uses artificial intelligence to generate human-like responses to text-based inputs. It has the ability to understand natural language and provide answers to questions, generate text in various formats, and respond quickly and accurately. This technology has the potential to save time and improve efficiency in various applications, such as customer service, content creation, and language translation. However, it is important to note that ChatGPT and similar models are not capable of fully replicating the creative and emotional intelligence of humans.

Prompt: write a paragraph about chatgpt’s strengths

Response: ChatGPT has several strengths that make it a powerful tool in various applications. Its ability to understand and respond to natural language inputs accurately and quickly is a key strength. It can generate text in a variety of formats, such as summaries, lists, and paragraphs, making it a useful tool for content creation. ChatGPT also has the capability to answer questions, providing a convenient source of information for users. Additionally, its ability to process large amounts of data and generate responses in real-time can improve efficiency and save time compared to manual text generation. These strengths make ChatGPT a valuable tool for various industries, including customer service, language translation, and content creation.

Prompt: write a paragraph about chatgpt’s weaknesses

Response: Despite its many strengths, ChatGPT also has some limitations. One of its biggest weaknesses is its lack of creativity and emotional intelligence compared to humans. It may struggle to understand sarcasm, irony, or other forms of figurative language, leading to mistakes in its responses. Additionally, ChatGPT may have difficulty understanding the context of a conversation or situation, which can also result in incorrect responses. Another limitation of ChatGPT is that it is only as accurate and trustworthy as the data it was trained on, and can sometimes generate biased or incorrect responses. These limitations highlight the need for ongoing monitoring and improvement of language models like ChatGPT to ensure their responses are trustworthy and accurate.

Prompt: write a paragraph about whether chatgpt will replace copywriters.

Response: While ChatGPT is a powerful tool for text generation, it is unlikely to fully replace copywriters in the near future. Copywriters bring a level of creativity, expertise, and emotional intelligence to their work that ChatGPT and similar models cannot replicate. Copywriters are also able to understand the unique needs and goals of clients and create customized content that meets those needs. Furthermore, copywriters have a deep understanding of language and can effectively use figurative language, humor, and other creative writing techniques that ChatGPT may struggle with. While ChatGPT may be able to augment the work of copywriters by generating text quickly and accurately, it cannot replace the unique skills and expertise that human copywriters bring to the table.

My Take: This is a better treatment, and is closer to what I was looking for from the AI, but it’s still rather flat in my opinion. I suppose I could tease out of the program what I wanted by asking it a series of more in-depth questions, but at some point you have to ask whether it’s worth it to expend all this effort to get the program to write what you’re looking for, or whether it would just be easier to write it yourself… I imagine writing AIs will get better about elaborating and adhering to length guidelines, but at this point it’s a darn nuisance…

Prompt: write a humorous sonnet about how chatgpt will replace copywriters


Oh ChatGPT, you have the power to astound,
With text so fast and language so sound.
You spit out answers, leave us all agog,
And all the copywriters feel like frogs.
“No more writer’s block!” they all lament,
“No more hours lost in research spent!”
But hold your horses, dear machine so bright,
Copywriters still have skills you can’t quite.
For while you may know grammar like a pro,
You lack the flair that humans always know.
And though you can create with such speed,
Your humor’s flat, your tone often indeed.
So don’t worry, dear copywriters true,
Your skills are needed, there’s still work for you.
For ChatGPT may be quick and quite fine,
But it takes a human touch to truly shine.

My Take: So that’s pretty impressive, but it does fall flat in some particulars. Sonnets typically have a rhyme scheme of either ABAB CDCD EFEF GG (Shakespearean) or ABBA ABBA CDC DCD (Italian). The one ChatGPT wrote is AABBCCDD EEFF GGHH, which apart from the rhyme scheme problem, is two lines longer than standard.

I’ll overlook the near-rhyme in the fourth line, but the unresolved participle at the end of the first stanza is kind of unforgivable. A human might have rendered it, “Copywriters still have skills you don’t, quite.”

Besides the technical failings, there are failures of understanding, too. No writer would ever “lament” not having writer’s block, nor not having to lose hours in research. Still, all in all it’s pretty impressive, and a proficient copyeditor could whip it into shape pretty quickly.